American book on brain drain hails Dr. Muhammed Majeed's achievements in the US

The book "STEPPING OUT OF THE BRAIN DRAIN" written by Michele R Pistone and John J Hoeffner and published by Lexington Books, a division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc., USA has given a tribute to Dr Muhammed Majeed and his companies Sabinsa Corporation, New Jersey, USA and Sami Labs Limited, Bangalore, India saying that the Dr Majeed is an excellent example to show that migration of skilled and educated professionals from a developing country to a developed country will benefit both the countries. "Many migrants have set up businesses in their native countries to gain access both to lower-cost labour and to their home countries' markets. These new businesses stimulate growth and development by creating new jobs and wealth for sending countries. These migrants also have been instrumental in educating the companies in which they work about business opportunities in the migrants' home countries." says the book. The excerpt from the book on Dr Muhammed Majeed and his business initiative and how it helped the United States as well as India, his home country, is given in Chapter 13, pages 138 to 139 Excerpt :

When STEP OUT migrants start businesses, benefits often accrue to both the migrants’ original and adopted homelands. The mutually beneficial process can be illustrated by the example of Sabinsa Corporation. Sabinsa was founded by Dr. Muhammed Majeed, who came to the United States from India for his post-graduate education. After obtaining a Ph.D. at St. John’s University in New York and working, among other places, at Pfizer, the world’s largest pharmaceutical company, Dr. Majeed decided to combine his knowledge of Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medical and health system, with his knowledge of modern laboratory methods to form a new company. Incorporated in New Jersey in 1988, Sabinsa’s 120 Ayurveda-based products include anti-in-flammatories and digestive aids. Sabinsa and its affiliates now employ 55 employees in the United States and 750 in India, including more than 100 Ph.D. researchers. Moreover, Sabinsa and its affiliate Sami Labs indirectly employ more than 5,000 farmers in India, through contracts to supply the natural products that constitute the raw materials of the companies’ laboratory work.

Dr. Majeed’s success provides a good example o the win-win nature of much of the foreign direct investment by STEP OUT migrants. Had Dr. Majeed not emigrated, the jobs of his company’s 55 U.S.-based employees probably would not exist-it is unlikely that anyone but an Indian would have had the knowledge and desire to form a modern company based on India’s ancient health system. Nor would the jobs of his 750 employees in India likely exist-not to mention some of the jobs of the 5,000 farmer-suppliers-for only a person with knowledge of and experience in the United States or another developed country is likely to have correctly anticipated and assessed the undeveloped market opportunity that existed in providing Ayurveda-based products to the developed world. Many thousands of customers who rely on Sabinsa’s products also have gained from Dr. Majeed’s migration, as those products evidently are perceived by the customers to offer more help than any competing alternatives. Finally, by helping to create a market for and educate the developed world about Ayurveda and Ayurveda-based products, Dr. Majeed has provided a service for an untold number of future Indian scientists and entrepreneurs. Any place in which there is knowledge about and acceptance of Ayurveda and Ayurveda-based products is a place in which Indians, to come extent, have a natural competitive advantage for, generally speaking, no one knows more than any about Ayurveda. By establishing a foothold for Ayurveda in the developed world, efforts like Dr. Majeed’s increase the likelihood that the future market potential of Ayurveda will be fully exploited, and exploited by Indians.

The example of Sabinsa illustrates how a process that starts with what is certainly in some sense an immediate loss-the departure of a talented national-can in the end redound to the benefit of the original homeland, as well as benefit the new home and indeed the world. And it is a process that is by no means rare, Thousands of other examples could be used to make the same points. Cumulatively, these examples suggest that STEP OUT migration plays a unique and irreplaceable role in stimulating development of the underdeveloped nations of the world.