Alumni Meet in the US
14 April 2007

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New Jersey: The College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Trivandrum has produced hundreds of pharma professionals ever since it was started way back in 1967 with 25 students in Trivandrum Medical College. Students of this college are there all over the world. More than 85 of them are in the US. They include even students belonging to the first batch.

Sitting : Vincent Wadcan,Rajan Babu,James Mukkadan,
Muhamed Majeed,Thomas Mathew,Hari Menon and Shan Madhavan
Standing : Top Line: Soby.Varghese,Jose Thomas,Aju Alexander,Ipe Ninan and Joseph Utuph Standing Bottom: Annamma Koshy,Saramma,Suzy Ninan,Jessy,Anny Mathew,Elizabeth Jacob,Leenu Vayalinkal

The alumni of the college working in the USA and Canada had their annual meeting in New Jersey, USA which turned out to be an emotional get together of old students of the College of Pharmaceutical Sciences of various batches. Delegates from different parts of the United States and Canada took part in the meeting held at Royal Albert Palace Hotel on 14 April 2007. Dr Muhammed Majeed, Chairman of the famed health science company Sami Labs Ltd, India and CEO of Sabinsa Corporation, USA gave leadership to the proceedings.

The College of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Trivandrum was the first of its kind in the state of Kerala. Till it moved to its own premises in 1977, the college was functioning in the Trivandrum Medical College. Today there are 23 Pharmacy colleges in Kerala from where more than 1000 students graduate every year.

The Alumni Association of the college aims at supporting the developmental activities of the college and strengthening the bond and friendship among all the old students.

The Alumni Meet in New Jersey decided to start a modern Pharmacy College in Kerala and entrusted the responsibility with Mr Jose Thomas. The meeting also decided to get in touch with other alumni associations of the college in various parts of the world in a move to organize a global alumni meet in Kochi.

The meet organized by James Mukkadan has also decided to organize awareness programmes for its members.