May 31, 2003
DH News Service

State export awards to be annual affair


The State level export awards will henceforth be an annual fea­ture. The recently announced Karnataka Export Promotion Policy provides for setting up a corpus fund to make the event an annual affair.
Large and Medium Scale In­dustries Minister R V Desh­pande stated this here today, while presenting the export per­formance awards for the period 1996-2000.
He rued that despite both State and Centre providing spe­cial thrust towards export pro­motion and encourage it through policy initiatives, India's exports in global trade has hardly touched one per cent.
Exports from India touched $51.7 billion (Rs 2,50,000 crore) during 2002-03 registering a growth of 18 per cent in dollar terms over the previous year.
He said that it is unfortunate that to touch this figure it will still take three years time in 2006-2007 as has been projected. He, however, pointed that Karnataka exports has been showing tremendous growth in the last five years.
From just Rs 8,400 crore dur­ing 1997-98, he said, exports have trebled and have already cross the Rs 25,000 crore mark for the year 2002-03. Karnataka's share in all-India exports today stands at over 8 per cent and it is hoped that new policy would ensure it would touch 15 per cent by 2007.
He said with Centre and State bringing in a conducive milieu, industries must gear up to meet the challenges of exports through quality and cost-effectiveness.
Among prominent electronics and software exporters include IBM Global Services India Pvt Ltd, Wipro Limited., Infosys Technologies Limited., Mphasis BFL Limited., Electronics Relays(India) Pvt Ltd., Hical Magnetics Pvt Ltd., TVS Electronics Limit­ed. Few other companies that have received awards and dis­tinction certificates in various sectors include Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Ltd, Motor Indus­tries Co. Ltd., Gokaldas Exports Ltd, Vikrant Tyres Ltd, Allanasons Ltd., Ampersan Software Applications Ltd., Sami Labs Limited.,  The Unique Creations (Bangalore) Ltd., Rockwell (In­dia) Pvt. Ltd., Supreme Overseas Exports India Ltd., Deccan Leather Fashions., Rajesh Ex­ports Limited., Jagdale Exports., Himatsingka Seide Ltd., Bharat Electronics Limited., Jindal Alu­minium Ltd., I-flex Solutions, Bal Pharma Ltd., Glittek Granites Ltd'., Unicorn Agrotech Limited., Karnataka Antibiotics and Phar­maceuticals Ltd. Under Best Ex­port Award - Woman Entrepreneur category -Bhasin International received the award.
Nearly 127 top exporters were honoured with mementos, cita­tions and certificates.