Friday, July 15, 2005

Plan mooted to carry herbal cultivation in association with farmers

Bangalore based health science company, Sami Labs Limited will start medicinal plant cultivation in Kerala.

The company in partnership with the farmers of Kerala will cultivate medicinal plants like Coleus Forskohlii, said Dr Muhammed Majeed, Chairman of Sami Labs, at a Press Conference.

The company intends to carry out cultivation in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra, Kerala, Punjab, Maharashtra , Chattisgarh, thereby covering 30,000 acres of land. Arrangement for loan for cultivation purpose will be taken care of by the company, remarked Majeed.

Sami produces and supplies herbal extracts such as ForsLean, Gugulipid, Bacopin, Bioperine etc. The financial projection for this year is Rs 600 crore, said Dr Majeed.