Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Sami Labs rolls out attractive schemes

Sami Labs Limited based out of Bangalore narrates the story of scientist who was not only inclined to innovative research but tells the story of a person who translated his research commercially and made it available for a social cause as well. Dr Muhammed Majeed, a Malayali has established Sami Labs.

Dr Majeed after obtaining a doctorate in Industrial Pharmacy from New John's University in US, set out to establish Sabinsa Corporation in 1988. In 1991 he set up Sami Chemicals and Extracts (now Sami Labs Limited) in Bangalore .

Sami has been granted 19 patents and various national and international awards for its products. Sami Labs has developed unique medicinal products by incorporating the modern scientific technology with the ancient knowledge of medicine.

The medicinal extract obtained from various medicinal herbs is exported into the US market by Sabinsa Corporation. It was thus that the Americans acknowledged ayurvedic medicine, claimed Dr Majeed. They first considered Ayurveda as the Alternative medicine, later they termed it as the Complimentary Medicine. Today, Americans call this line of medical treatment as the Integrated Medicine.

Flagship products

Sami Labs has developed various products which have received various patents and international awards. ForsLean happens to be an outstanding product, which is actually a weight management product. ForsLean is extracted from the roots of Coleus Forskohlii plant (Ban Tulsi in Hindi). ForsLean won the Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award for the year 2004. It also won the “Best New Product” award at Nutracon Conference and Exhibition.

Gugulipid, yet another product reduces the levels of harmful serum lipids in the bloodstream. Bacopin, prepared from the leaves of the Bacopa Monniera (Brahmi) plant is beneficial in the support of cognitive functions. Bioperine, undergoing clinical studies in the U.S. , Curcumin C 3 Complex extracted from turmeric are few other products.

New projects

Last one decade, has been a period of leapfrog for Sami Labs. For the coming years, Sami Labs is trying to replicate its success into other areas as well.

Sami Labs is on to tap the huge potential in the European market. As part of this project the company will be investing Rs 100 crore. For the past 6 months the turn over of the company has been Rs 326 crore. By the next six months they are expecting a turnover of Rs 600 crore.

To manufacture ForsLean, the company has already established network with 5000 farmers to cultivate coleus plant. Currently they are cultivating coleus in 15,000 acres of land. By the next fiscal year coleus cultivation will be expanded to 30,000 acres of land.